‘And Now What’ is the first EP recorded by The Mites in 2012.
Right after the dissolution of a previous band called ‘The Rampage’ -our first band with JP Mermoz-, Juan Pedro and I recorded these 5 song demo in my old house’s bedroom.
We had not yet met Marcos, but this EP helped us find him, who became the official bass player of the band soon after.
This version you can now find on Spotify, counts with an added previously unreleased bonus track called ‘The Spins’ which is one of the last songs the three of us wrote together in collaboration.
Gabriel Leni / Juan Pedro Mermoz
Guitar & Bass
Gabriel Leni
Juan Pedro Mermoz
Recording, Production & Arrangements
Gabriel Leni
Cover Art and Design
Gabriel Leni
Music & Lyrics composed by The Mites
Recorded in Mendoza, Argentina 2012